To develop an effective fitness program for the shoulders , a program that will really broaden your shoulders and flare your bust, we must first understand and implement the six points detailed below: they will help you greatly to pass your deltoids work at top speed .
Understanding the anatomy of the shoulder
For many beginners , the shoulders come down to a single mass housed at the top of each arm muscle tissue. But if you look carefully at bodybuilders well developed physique, you will find that the deltoids include three beams and the joint itself is incredibly complex and capable of a wide variety of movements. It is essential to remember that the deltoid muscle is composed of three beams , anterior, middle ( or external) and posterior, and the importance of each exercise to optimize their volume and strength. It is advisable that you learn what are the exercises that directly target a particular part of the shoulder and knowledge will serve you well to structure your training.
(build shoulder)
Start with compound exercises
For deltoids, the best approach is to start with a compound exercise consistently . Also called " polyarticular " These exercises require the intervention of several muscle groups as the movement is in at least two joints, secondary muscle groups also come into play because of the choice of compound exercises is simple: they are the ones that activate more muscle mass and for working with heavy loads , which will further stimulate hypertrophy. An example is developed to shoulder bar that involves the triceps , upper chest and all the muscular shoulder complex . When you work the shoulders , this type of exercise is preferred to give more muscle mass and overall thickness .
(build shoulder)
Target beam with isolation exercises
The second category includes the so-called isolation exercises (or monoarticular ) that mobilize specific areas . Herein, the level movement involving only a single joint which allows to apply strictly strength over a single muscle. In general, you can not take loads as heavy , but can be controlled much more precisely the location of the effect of exercise . The side elevation with dumbbells is an exercise example that directly stimulate the external beam of the deltoid . When composing your workout for the shoulders , it will incorporate this type of secondary exercise for each of the three beams anterior external post . More specifically, it will take years when you step arms outstretched in front of the body to seek the anterior columns , where you climb sideways for external beam , and when you go up front to the side or back as with the bent-over lateral raises (bird) .
(build shoulders)
Each practitioner has his predilections for bodybuilding which is the order in which it performs these exercises. However , do not follow the same sequence too long because you may develop under the muscle group worked last. At this stage of the session, is often tired and do not train as hard . A good way to overcome this problem is to carry rotational exercises for the deltoids. Start with the front beam in a session , then later by the beam to the next beam and the average in the next. This method allows you to work each beam when the deltoid muscles are still relatively fresh , and not abandon a beam in favor of another . However, if you try to expand a particularly low beam should be considered the result first time , once the compound exercise is completed.
(build shoulders)
When and how often work shoulder
This may seem obvious , but it is a bit complicated. First, because the shoulders are involved in many exercises for the upper body , you can easily overtrain . Remember that muscle group to be stimulated by resistance training and we should then allow sufficient rest for that magnification . So if we take the most obvious example , how to organize the training of the pectoral (which involves the anterior deltoids in all movements developed ) based on the shoulders ? For beginners, the best solution is simply to work the shoulders immediately after the chest . A normal session for breast impose significant deltoids with secondary resistance , and shoulders are so heated and ready to be requested. In exercising the pectoral and deltoid on the same day , you will be sure that they receive an adequate period of recovery in the coming days . It is not advisable to start with the shoulders and then to the chest , in fact, the deltoids are smaller and if you bother to start your efforts to work the pectoral muscle group will be reduced accordingly.
(build shoulders)
If you opt for separate sessions for the chest and shoulders , do they work the day before or the day after chest . In other words , it is often desirable not to exercise the deltoids two consecutive days . Never deprive your shoulders a recovery period is essential and crucial to your progress.
The variety , the key labor deltoids
By following the principles set out above , you will have more chances to optimize the development of your deltoids. Be aware that individual characteristics must be taken into account: we are all different and no one reacts the same way to a specific workout plan. This is bad news for those of you looking for a weight training program for standard shoulders or " mat " . Fortunately, there are also good . If your current program for the shoulders seems to stagnate , simply turn . Variety is important in bodybuilding because the muscles eventually get used to a particular session and they need a different stimulus they need to develop. It is at this stage that learning and adaptation of new exercises , reworking the same sequence and adding new techniques into your workout can make you out of stagnation .
(build shoulders)
Now that you have a clearer idea of how to compose an effective program for the shoulders , there remains the question of what are the best exercises , given that there are literally dozens . See the various options :
(build shoulders)
With fixed and well held in both hands loads , the bars are a good choice for neck and developed front bar , as well as the front elevations . Generally, we use a bar to compound movements (developed ) , you will complete work with other hardware to isolate the three beams deltoids .
(build shoulders)
This is the most versatile that we can find in a gym equipment. The goal is to stick to simple basic movements , the barbell can be used for both developed for the front and side elevations, arms outstretched . It can also be used to practice the "bird " to isolate the posterior deltoids . Collectively , these movements are an effective compounds and secondary balance exercises : they will be utilized to establish a comprehensive program for the shoulders.
(build shoulders)
The wide range of advanced devices available today offers unique advantages , especially important for beginners. To the extent that certain exercises for the shoulders can be extremely difficult , machinery contribute usefully to the control of movement while holding the body in place , which reduces the risk of injury . The amplitude is controlled , it provides a safe practice before moving to free weights . Thus, a framework guided or guided bar will achieve effective compound exercises safely , while providing the necessary support to preserve the correction technique.
(build shoulders)
Morality must learn how to use all the facilities at your disposal and alternate their use at your convenience. A final caveat : more than any other muscle group , the shoulders require adherence to proper technique. Deltoids and the muscles of the rotator cuff are very vulnerable : a shoulder injury would adversely affect the training of the whole upper body and , therefore , will stop your progress.
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