How many times have I heard : " If I had not lost weight , it's because of my metabolism ." But what is really the basal metabolism ? Is this a body , an energy drink fashion or even better , a new regime ?
(increase metabolism)
In fact, it is nothing like that. Metabolic rate (BMR ) is the amount of energy needed by the body to survive, at rest. For a woman of 35 years , it is about 1400 calories and a man of the same age , about 1700 calories.
(increase metabolism)
This means that if you stay lying in bed for a day , your body will need this number of calories to function properly . As soon as you get up and you start walking , your heart rate increases and your metabolism. If you are the " plans repetitions " type , it may be that your metabolism slows, but fear not , because it is possible to increase it.
(increase metabolism)
Here are 4 tips that helped me to increase mine and lose 270 pounds .
1 . Move !
(increase metabolism)
Physical activity is the easiest way to increase your metabolism . It can burn up to 1000 calories an hour practicing intense physical activity . If you go for a walk outside at a steady pace , you will consume approximately 300 calories , which is huge !
(increase metabolism)
2 . Water is your friend
In every sense of the word. As soon as you decide to get into the pool, your energy expenditure is automatically increased by 10%, because the body is struggling to maintain its body temperature. Furthermore, the fact of moving water limit maximum impact on the joints. In the same vein , the fact that drinking cold water will also increase your metabolism because the body will again temper everything.
(increase metabolism)
3 . lunch
If you're like: "I do not have lunch because I 'm not hungry ," know that your metabolism running at idle speed for as long as you are fasting . If you can, take a piece of fruit , nuts, short eat !
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4 . Eat protein
When you eat food , some of the calories contained in them are used for digestion. This phenomenon is called thermogenesis or specific dynamic action . For example, if you eat 100 calories of fat * , 1 to 3% will be used for digestion. In the case of carbohydrates * The percentage is 3 to 5% in terms of protein * explodes and the percentage up to 20 % !
(increase metabolism)
And today? How do you increase your metabolism ?
Good thinking !
* 1 Sources fat : butter , margarine, oil , nuts
* 2 Sources of carbohydrates: breads , whole grains , fruits, vegetables
* 3 Sources of protein : beef , pork , fish, poultry , yogurt , cheese, nuts
(increase metabolism)
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