No. 1 Incorporate various series to grow your muscles loads. Use a really heavy load with which you will 1 to 2 reps maximum : this is one series max . Replace the load , rest 10 seconds and do another series with a load that will allow you to perform 10 reps . The advantage of this technique is that the "net" tonnage for 11-12 reps (total) is significantly higher than that which you would do with a simple series , where more progress .
No. 2 Impress your nervous system. Gather in supersets muscle groups to manipulate the nerve connections to lift heavier loads. This technique reduces the inhibition that normally regulates the amount of force that muscles can produce. Try a module where you will alternate sets of priority : make a series of bench press followed immediately by rowing , then pause for 60-90 seconds. After 90 seconds passed , first perform the rowing , then continue with the bench . Be sure to make an even number of series ( two, four, six ) to maintain muscle balance . This method is also valid for biceps / triceps and quadriceps / hamstrings .
No. 3 Add isometric work without extending the duration of your session. Isometric contractions are probably the most neglected of all : insert them into your program between sets to increase intensity. Example : As soon as you complete a series of bench , grab a light dumbbell , place your palms against the outer discs and press firmly . Tense for 5-10 seconds, release and repeat. You can also try a medicine ball .
No. 4 plyometrics to increase your max . Want to improve your bar at your max bench press or squat ? By performing a plyometric exercise for 30 seconds before your normal series , you can immediately boost your max 4.5 kg and 9 kg . Before attempting a max squat , stand on a bench and jump : as soon as your feet touch the ground , jump in the air with a bang and the highest possible. Repeat this twice . Before the bench , make pumps dropped ( take off the hands of a few soil centimeters at the end of the positive phase) with only your body weight .
No. 5 Use the Swiss ball for real progress. Most serious practitioners neglect bodybuilding exercises on exercise ball because , firstly , it should take only light loads due to the instability of the movement and , on the other hand, n ' not feel that the targeted muscles are exercised thoroughly. Here's how to take advantage of training with this accessory and at the same time , strengthen the stabilizing muscles and muscles of the sheathing (in fact, once developed , they increase the overall strength of the body to exercise performed ) . If we take the " lying " with dumbbells as an example , take a heavy series ( 6-8 reps) on a flat bench . Follow up immediately with a series developed with dumbbells lying on gym ball using a load allowing you to make 8-10 reps. The chest has already been exhausted , the light load used during the exercise ball will be sufficient to work the pecs (which have been préfatigués ) and stabilizer muscles .
>> Train with aggressiveness . For example , I see my training partner as an enemy, as someone I have to fight and destroy the room. My job is to be the best , if the guy " hangs , " is that I do not do my job. By adopting this attitude , I always keep the upper hand.
>> Do not neglect your weaknesses. When you feel strong , attack the muscle groups that you tend to neglect . After a day of rest , work weaknesses when you have all the energy needed to make them volume .
No. 8 Exercise regularly as a powerlifter . Every few months , spend two weeks in a work of high intensity and low volume to overcome stagnation. Do 4-6 reps per set with heavy loads and take 3 minutes of rest between each set. Focus on the basic exercises ( squat, developed various , rowings ) rather than isolation exercises .
No. 9 Practice your poses after each session. The goal is not to brag , but to improve the density and quality of muscles over time . In addition, you will strengthen the relationship brain muscles : therefore it will be easier to target your muscles with the precision of a laser when you work with. Immediately after completing your workout, stand in front of the mirror and make a maximal contraction of each muscle for 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat this exercise 3-4 times .
# 10 Try to include extreme series. For three weeks, twice a year , increase your series 50%. After three weeks rest for four days, then resume your normal workout. The impact of these additional series will stimulate hypertrophy and rest days allow for complete recovery . For example, if you usually do 12 sets for chest and 16 for the back, go to 18 and 24 rounds , respectively.
No. 11 Rest between reps . You can not make multiple sets of chin- bar ? Instead of providing three sets of 10 reps, aiming for a total of 30 reps. Do as many sets as necessary and, if necessary , rest briefly between each rep to achieve your goal of the session (30 reps) . This is not a job " cheating , " it is simply a variant of the principle of partial recovery (and it worked for Arnold! ) .
# 12 + # 13 [ RONNIE COLEMAN ] SIX TIMES Mr. Olympia
>> I managed to increase the volume of my thighs by doing drop sets . Once completed my heavy sets , I end with a decreasing series . I do the maximum reps, then I remove a disk on each side and so on until there are no more than empty bar , mild nausea and violent trembling of quadriceps !
>> Your workout by doing , alternating two completely different sessions for the same muscle group Vary . So when I work back, I alternate between a session that favors deadlift heavier than rowing and sitting seeking stronger dorsal by all kinds of exercises vertical and horizontal circulation . In this way , I work the back muscles from different angles .
No. 14 Target small muscles inside the large muscle groups. Do not spend the time it takes to train some muscles, it does not fully exploit the potential of development of your body . For example, the muscles of the inner and outer sides of the thighs ( adductors and abductors ) are not very visible, but if you do not work specifically with your thighs do not fully realize their potential. If you want big arms , you must also perform the brachialis deep muscle located under the biceps . Program so specific exercises - as four sets of curls overhand at the desk - to target this muscle.
No. 15 Think " Olympic . " Try to spend one session per week in the Olympic movement - the clean and jerk and / or ripped - made with the bar or dumbbells. Spend the first few weeks learning a technique. Once mastered it , use a load allowing you to perform 6-8 reps, but do three sets of three reps performed by an explosive fashion . Train yourself in this way for 6 to 8 weeks to target fast twitch muscle fibers, those with the greatest potential for growth in strength and volume.
. No. 16 Try " scapjacks ' At your next session for the arms , try this: right arm , made an extension to the pulley for triceps and left arm , make a curl with dumbbell simultaneously. You have more strength than usual for these two years. Although the exact mechanism is not known , this effect may be due to a neurological phenomenon. Switch arms and repeat. You can also apply this technique to the back and chest with pulleys vis- à-vis, with the device appropriately. Standing with his back to the camera, holding a handful of the left hand ( pulley set at the height of the shoulder) and the right hand, hold the other handle in front of you (set to hip height ) . Do simultaneously developed for the left arm and chest draw low pulley right arm. Switch arms and repeat.
>> Do not let your anterior deltoids overshadow your shoulders and trapezius . Try doing some exercises with the load behind him : it is a technique that I use with the pulley side elevations and shrugs with the bar.
With >> dips , emphasize the ridges of the inner part of the chest and triceps part shaped horseshoe. I do dips on parallel bars , without ballast , down very low to achieve full muscle stretching , then locking the end of the climb to really accentuate the contraction of the triceps.
No. 19 is not specific training for athletes . Everyone can take advantage of the agility drills and plyometric work. In everyday life , our actions are carried out in all areas: this diversity must be reflected in the training. Becoming faster and stronger, and have better balance, you will improve your well-being at all levels .
Complete No. 20 on a machine. Free weights may be the backbone of your workout, but the machines also feature prominently , especially at the end of your module or at the end of a combined series . Because of the fixed trajectory imposed by the machine and its inherent stability, it is much easier to do reps to failure . One can even enjoy the pre-fatigue technique followed by an isolation movement (such as the side elevation with dumbbells for external deltoid ) of a grassroots movement to the machine ( as developed shoulders) and to the maximum reps . At the end of this series, your deltoids are in agony !
No. 21 Be a fan of speed. Remember to make your reps as quickly as possible, but safely. In fact, if you use a heavy enough load, " as quickly as possible " will not be so fast that , relatively speaking. Many practitioners think they should try to control the positive phase of the load ( increase ) in the same way that the negative phase ( lowering) , which is not the case . ( Besides, if you can really lift the load at full speed, is that it is probably too light . )
No. 22 Make sessions only for the arms. If you work past the chest , back or shoulders , you will probably not be training very intensely . Practice them so apart for some time and see if there is a difference.
As >> it can be especially difficult to train and eat properly when you are moving , prepare everything before you leave . I cook 1.5 kg of bib that I carry with me to always have enough protein and not be forced to look for a place that serves the menus " health. " I let the meat marinate for a few hours in a smoky , a little beer and Italian seasoning low fat , then I 'm cooking in a smokehouse at low temperature for 4 to 5 hours flavoring . It looks like dried meat, but softer .
Here >> deadly abs program I do before a competition. I start by making the most of crunches with a disc on the chest, then I remove the disk and continue until failure . I continue with negative work until I am almost unable to breathe . Then, standing, facing the mirror , I practice my poses until I am exhausted .
No. 25 Protect your lower back by doing the work of " cladding . " Before each workout , do ( to failure ) followed by a few sets of abs two sets of extensions to the bench lumbar . Stimulation of these muscles will activate the deep muscles sanglent spine : this will allow to produce required for stabilization will ensure that in future years intra -abdominal pressure more quickly.
No. 26 Take a day of rest before your heavy workout for the legs. Avoid spending too much energy in the practitioner - very physical activity , eat healthy and sleep well . Your weight training sessions will be even more formidable .
No. 27 Once you become more muscular and stronger than your training partner , find another one . If you have progressed more than your training partner , team up with someone who will be a greater challenge. It is likely that the new partner is a more advanced level: it will require you to give you more depth , it will motivate you more and teach you a few things .
No. 28 Lose weight with the squat. When you seek to dry , put the turbo to your metabolism by doing squats interval at the end of one or two weekly sessions : make five sets of 25-50 reps with a very light load resting for 60 seconds between series, then follow up with cardio.
No. 29 Activate your anti- fat hormones with cardio. Cause the body to burn fat without burning muscle : this is the secret of a successful cardio work . While a large amount of aerobic work may be beneficial , know that prolonged sessions can lower your testosterone levels . Try a dose of 200 mg of caffeine 30 minutes before a session of cardio . Fasted state , caffeine triggers the secretion of catecholamines with a lipolytic effect . After 30 minutes , stop your endurance activity , swallow 10 grams of BCAAs ( branched chain amino acids ) and extend your drive for 30 to 40 minutes at a steady pace . Not only BCAA prevents a decrease in testosterone levels , but they preserve lean body mass and can promote fat mobilization .
No. 30 for " dry " support your hormones. Extreme definition sometimes requires extreme methods . Try 6 grams of arginine and 400 mg of Mucuna fasting , then you will practice . The advantage arginine and Mucuna pruriens boost GH concentration and accentuate the natural GH release happens when you train on an empty stomach . The sharp rise in hormone levels leads to burning fat for energy and prevents muscle wasting. Another plus arginine promotes an increase of nitric oxide which will strengthen Immediately after training , take a drink of whey protein + carbohydrates to ensure the recovery and tissue repair "congestion . " .
No. 31 Finish your session pecs a foolish hype ! Select a ridiculously heavy burden on the pec deck , but only doing partial reps on the upper quarter of the range of motion. Align 12-15 partial reps to cause intense burning . Make sure you have a partner to the starting position .
No. 32 Lose water for a great look. To remove excess water , increase your intake of salt for six days and almost double your fluid intake. Result in aldosterone ( primary hormone of water retention) will drop, while causing excess excretion of body fluids. In the seventh, eighth and ninth days , completely remove the salt : you will lose all the excess water in the body and , therefore , the muscle definition will be strengthened .
No. 33 Make your cardio cycles to accelerate your progrès.Vous have heard of the cyclical breakdown of carbohydrates - alternating restrictions and increases sugar to fool the body and make him lose fat . The same principle applies to energy expenditure when trying to burn calories. So organize your cardio cycles : two 30-minute sessions running at high speed, two interval training for 45 minutes and a 60-minute session at a moderate pace sessions . Then rest for two consecutive days before starting . In this way, your " grease boiler " always turn to bottom and you will be assured to burn up calories without cap in the elimination of fat.
No. 34 Do Crunches negative . Instead of developing muscular endurance, targeting maximum overload. Since the position of the crunch, ask your partner to stand on your feet and push your chest towards the floor by pressing your shoulders ( towards the floor ) while you resist this pressure . If your partner is not strong enough ( e) , use a cast iron disc . In both cases , keep your arms crossed on his chest .
No. 35 Practise developed Arnold . Okay, this was nothing new , but when it comes to great inventors , this exercise comes to mind because it is still what is best to target the anterior deltoid is the both abductor and internal rotator of the shoulder. Both movements are made initially by the anterior deltoid . It is time to put this " exo " to date .
No. 36 For a super reverse lunge , use pulleys vis- à-vis. Hold down both cables to each other and place a foam sleeve for squat bar where they meet. Place the cuff on the upper back (not the neck ) and then perform inverse slots : you work your muscles and balance simultaneously.
No. 37 wide squatting . Squat , strongly push the knees out throughout the movement and also push on the outside of your shoes. This technique keeps the tension in the hips and work with a heavier load .
No. 38 Try to curl the upper pulley. Place with a short bar rotatable sleeve at the end of a cable pulley device high . Sit on the seat as to the vertical circulation . Grasp the bar with an overhand grip and stretch the arms above the head. Without moving your shoulders , bend your forearm (fixed elbow ) to bring the bar behind the head.
No. 39 Use the technique of downloading to multiply your progress. Try this version of the graduated series applied here to curl. Select a burden for you to about 15 push forearm on arm. Next, prepare a set of elastic straps allowing you to also fifteen reps. For the first set , make curls taking both the bar and the elastic straps : Make it up - usually between 7 and 8. Release the straps and make the most reps with just the bar. Then lighten the load by about a third and make as many reps as possible. Sit 2-3 minutes. Do 2 to 3 sets in all.
No. 40 Your elbows deviate when extending lying In this case , try the following to help you isolate your triceps : fasten your seatbelt weights just above your elbows . Ask a partner to pass you load your triceps and grill !
No. 41 This is a good way to reduce the intervention of the biceps at the back exercises . Start by getting out the back and chest up before bending the elbows to lift the load .
No. 42 Exercise your chest with this great variant developed inclined dumbbell . Instead of developing the dumbbells in describing a wide arc over the breast, made the same move , but with the hands closer to the chest. Then, when the dumbbells touch , mount them another 15 to 25 cm , then lower them on the same path. In this way , you will work not only chest , but also the triceps.
No. 43 This is a very difficult exercise for the abs . Ankle bracelets for attaching to the cable end of a lower pulley and a rope to the cable end opposite the lower block . Place a mat under your buttocks so that part of the body is raised about 5 cm. Attach the straps to your ankles and hold the rope. Bend your knees then , like a reverse crunch , bring your knees toward your chest while taking off the blades of the carpet. Try to get in contact with the knee bends, but by lifting the buttocks of the carpet.
No. 44 It roulel . When you exercise on an inclined plane , place a rolled towel under the neck to increase your strength . The mechanism involved has not been elucidated, but is thought to be due to the alignment of the spine , which could lead to a better neurological performance.
No. 45 In the background dips . For these dips, do not count the reps, but the duration of the exercise . Perform the negative phase four times , counting aloud. To target the chest , lean forward and let your elbows move away , if you want to focus more on triceps , move the body in the vertical plane and keep your elbows against you .
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